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    Running SQL*Trace on an Applications Report

    There are two methods to running a Report with SQL*Trace which are:

    Method #1:  Normally, in order to run a report with SQL*Trace, you would have to do the following:

        1. Turn SQL*Trace on by modifying your init.ora file.
        2. Shut down the concurrent managers and the database.
        3. Bring the database and the concurrent managers back up.
        4. Arrange to run JUST that specific report without running
           anything else.
        5. After running the report, shut down the database and
           concurrent managers.
        6. Turn SQL*Trace off by modifying your init.ora file.
        7. Bring the database and concurrent managers back up.

    Method #2:  A simpler method is as follows (detailed instructions follow):

        1. Backup your current .rdf of the report.
        2. Modify the .rex for the report, adding two simple lines.
        3. Convert the new .rex into the new .rdf file.
        4. Run the report.
        5. Restore the original .rdf file.

    Detailed instructions to run a Report with SQL*Trace using Method #2:

    1. Backup your current .rdf and .rex files.
    2. Create the .rex file if necessary:

       Make sure a .rex text file of the report exists.  (Customers are
       not shipped the .rex text file to save space on their system).
       If the .rex does not exist, create one by issuing the following
       command as the applmgr user:
         r25convm userid=<userid>/<password> source=<reportname>.rdf
         stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile dest=<reportname>.rex  
       For Example:

         r25convm userid=ar/ar source=RAXIIR.rdf stype=rdffile
         dtype=rexfile dest=RAXIIR.rex
    3. Edit the .rex file:

       A. Pull the .rex file into your editor of choice and search
          for 'SRWINIT'.  You should find an entry similar to the
          following, with a NAME of 'beforerep____':

          Example I:

            DEFINE  TOOL_PLSQL
              ITEMID           = 103
              NAME             = <<"beforerep0040">>
              PLSLFID_EP       = (BLONG) NULLP
              OBJECT_ID        = 0
              PLSLFID_ST       = (TLONG)
            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');

          Example II:

              SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
              IF (:p_debug_switch = 'Y') THEN
                SRW.MESSAGE('1','After SRWINIT');
              END IF;

       B. Immediately after the ; which follows 'FND SRWINIT', (and
          remaining within the "" that surround the line) add the
          following line:

            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');

          The modified versions of the above examples should look
          like the following:    

          Example I:

            DEFINE  TOOL_PLSQL                                
              ITEMID           = 103                                  
              NAME             = <<"beforerep0040">>        
              PLSLFID_EP       = (BLONG) NULLP            
              OBJECT_ID        = 0      
              PLSLFID_ST       = (TLONG)      
            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');                      
          Example II:
              SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
              srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');                    
              IF (:p_debug_switch = 'Y') THEN                                    
                SRW.MESSAGE('1','After SRWINIT');                            
              END IF;                                                              

       C. Find the line similar to the following, by searching
          for 'SRWEXIT':

            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT');

       D. Immediately after the ; which follows 'FND SRWEXIT',
          but remaining within the "", add the following line:

            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=FALSE');

          For Example:

            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT');
            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=FALSE');

          NOTE: This is really not necessary as the trace session
          will terminate when the report completes, but it's a
          good idea to include it as a precautionary measure.

    4. Convert the modified .rex file into a .rdf file:
       To do this, issue the following command as the applmgr user -- rwcon60 (Reports 6.0.x) or r25convm (Reports 2.5.x) or r25mrepm (Reports 2.5.x):
         r25convm userid=<userid>/<password> source=<reportname>.rex
         stype=rexfile dtype=rdffile dest=<reportname>.rdf

       For Example:

         r25convm userid=ap/ap source=RAXIIR.rex stype=rexfile
         dtype=rdffile dest=RAXIIR.rdf
       NOTE: If you did not properly modify the .rex file, the system
       will not be able to generate the .rdf file.  An example of the
       message you may get is: "Conversion of 'RAXNCAR.rex' cancelled".

    5. Run the report:

       Logon to the Applications and run the report through the concurrent
       managers.  When it has completed, exit the Applications.

    6. Access the trace file:

       The trace file will be located in the directory specified by the  
       user_dump_dest variable in your init.ora file.    

    7. Restore the original report files:

       Restore the original .rdf file (and .rex if one existed before  
       modification).  You may wish to backup the .rdf file containing
       the SQL*Trace code, just in case you need to run it at a later
       time.  Once the issue you're troubleshooting is resolved, you
       can delete it.

    Click to add to Favorites Running SQL*Trace on an Applications Report (Doc ID 1019231.6) To BottomTo Bottom
    Applies to:
    Oracle Application Object Library - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    ***Checked for relevance on 10-Jan-2013***

     The goal of this document is to provide instructions to run a report with SQL*Trace

    There are two methods to running a Report with SQL*Trace which are:

    Method #1:  Normally, in order to run a report with SQL*Trace, you would have to do the following:

        1. Turn SQL*Trace on by modifying your init.ora file.
        2. Shut down the concurrent managers and the database.
        3. Bring the database and the concurrent managers back up.
        4. Arrange to run JUST that specific report without running
           anything else.
        5. After running the report, shut down the database and
           concurrent managers.
        6. Turn SQL*Trace off by modifying your init.ora file.
        7. Bring the database and concurrent managers back up.

    Method #2:  A simpler method is as follows (detailed instructions follow):

        1. Backup your current .rdf of the report.
        2. Modify the .rex for the report, adding two simple lines.
        3. Convert the new .rex into the new .rdf file.
        4. Run the report.
        5. Restore the original .rdf file.

    Detailed instructions to run a Report with SQL*Trace using Method #2:

    1. Backup your current .rdf and .rex files.
    2. Create the .rex file if necessary:

       Make sure a .rex text file of the report exists.  (Customers are
       not shipped the .rex text file to save space on their system).
       If the .rex does not exist, create one by issuing the following
       command as the applmgr user:
         r25convm userid=<userid>/<password> source=<reportname>.rdf
         stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile dest=<reportname>.rex  
       For Example:

         r25convm userid=ar/ar source=RAXIIR.rdf stype=rdffile
         dtype=rexfile dest=RAXIIR.rex
    3. Edit the .rex file:

       A. Pull the .rex file into your editor of choice and search
          for 'SRWINIT'.  You should find an entry similar to the
          following, with a NAME of 'beforerep____':

          Example I:

            DEFINE  TOOL_PLSQL
              ITEMID           = 103
              NAME             = <<"beforerep0040">>
              PLSLFID_EP       = (BLONG) NULLP
              OBJECT_ID        = 0
              PLSLFID_ST       = (TLONG)
            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');

          Example II:

              SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
              IF (:p_debug_switch = 'Y') THEN
                SRW.MESSAGE('1','After SRWINIT');
              END IF;

       B. Immediately after the ; which follows 'FND SRWINIT', (and
          remaining within the "" that surround the line) add the
          following line:

            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');

          The modified versions of the above examples should look
          like the following:    

          Example I:

            DEFINE  TOOL_PLSQL                                
              ITEMID           = 103                                  
              NAME             = <<"beforerep0040">>        
              PLSLFID_EP       = (BLONG) NULLP            
              OBJECT_ID        = 0      
              PLSLFID_ST       = (TLONG)      
            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');                      
          Example II:
              SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');
              srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=TRUE');                    
              IF (:p_debug_switch = 'Y') THEN                                    
                SRW.MESSAGE('1','After SRWINIT');                            
              END IF;                                                              

       C. Find the line similar to the following, by searching
          for 'SRWEXIT':

            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT');

       D. Immediately after the ; which follows 'FND SRWEXIT',
          but remaining within the "", add the following line:

            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=FALSE');

          For Example:

            <<"SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT');
            srw.do_sql('alter session set sql_trace=FALSE');

          NOTE: This is really not necessary as the trace session
          will terminate when the report completes, but it's a
          good idea to include it as a precautionary measure.

    4. Convert the modified .rex file into a .rdf file:
       To do this, issue the following command as the applmgr user -- rwcon60 (Reports 6.0.x) or r25convm (Reports 2.5.x) or r25mrepm (Reports 2.5.x):
         r25convm userid=<userid>/<password> source=<reportname>.rex
         stype=rexfile dtype=rdffile dest=<reportname>.rdf

       For Example:

         r25convm userid=ap/ap source=RAXIIR.rex stype=rexfile
         dtype=rdffile dest=RAXIIR.rdf
       NOTE: If you did not properly modify the .rex file, the system
       will not be able to generate the .rdf file.  An example of the
       message you may get is: "Conversion of 'RAXNCAR.rex' cancelled".

    5. Run the report:

       Logon to the Applications and run the report through the concurrent
       managers.  When it has completed, exit the Applications.

    6. Access the trace file:

       The trace file will be located in the directory specified by the  
       user_dump_dest variable in your init.ora file.    

    7. Restore the original report files:

       Restore the original .rdf file (and .rex if one existed before  
       modification).  You may wish to backup the .rdf file containing
       the SQL*Trace code, just in case you need to run it at a later
       time.  Once the issue you're troubleshooting is resolved, you
       can delete it.
    NOTE:1070541.6 - How To Generate A Report ( .RDF File) From The Unix Command Line
    NOTE:1020489.102 - How to Generate a Report from a Windows NT Command Line
    NOTE:1019231.6 - Running SQL*Trace on an Applications Report

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