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    FNDCPASS Error Java system class reported: release of classes.bin in the database does not match that of the oracle executable - USER ( APPS ) has been detected in FND_WEB_SEC.GET_OP_VALUE

    FNDCPASS system/***** SYSTEM APPLSYS *****

    Oracle error -29548: ORA-29548: Java system class reported: release of classes.bin in the database does not match that of the oracle executable - USER ( APPS ) has been detected in FND_WEB_SEC.GET_OP_VALUE.

    1. Create and run the following SQL script from a new SQLPLUS session
    -- Start of File rmcorejvm.sql
    connect / as sysdba
    spool rmcorejvm.log
    set echo on
    set serveroutput on
    select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects
       where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;
    execute rmjvm.run(false);
    shutdown immediate
    set echo off
    spool off
    -- End of File rmcorejvm.sql

    2. Review the log for any errors that cannot be explained by the action taken

     3. If the above SQL script completed successfully, then create and run the following SQL script from a new SQLPLUS session.
    -- Start of File corejvminst.sql
    connect / as sysdba
    spool corejvminst.log
    set serveroutput on
    set echo on
    startup mount
    alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory;
    alter database open;
    select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects
        where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;
    create or replace java system
    shutdown immediate
    set echo off
    spool off
    -- End of File corejvminst.sql

    4. Restart the database and resolve any invalid java objects
    connect / as sysdba
    select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;

    If invalid(s) exists, then execute:

    Followed by a check for Invalid(s):
    select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;

    The core JVM objects should now be fully re-installed. The count of Java objects owned by the SYS user should be the same as before the re-installation.

    How to Perform a Non-Default Oracle JVM Re-installation (Doc ID 429787.1)

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