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    AP Tables

    AP_1096_DATA_ALL contains summary payment information for 1099 type suppliers. The Internal Revenue Service requires that you report this summary information for any qualifying payments to 1099 suppliers. Your Oracle Payables application updates this table when you submit the 1099 Forms Report. Your Oracle Payables application uses the summary payment information for the 1096 Report. This table contains one record per tax entity ID. It has no primary key.

    AP_1099_TAPE_DATA_ALL is a temporary table that holds 1099 supplier payment totals used for creating K records during the 1099 Electronic Media process. The APXTRCMT report creates a row in the table for each unique region code for a supplier after the report calculates the total 1099 payments (MISC1, MISC2, etc.) for the supplier’s region codes.  The report then determines if the totals for a region code for a supplier exceed the reporting limit for the region. If the totals do not exceed the
    limit, the report updates the region code to null for the vendor ID in this table and sums the 1099 totals for rows with remaining region codes to produce the summary K records for each region.

    An event is an entity whose role is to map transaction data to the accounting created for it. Every accounting entry needs to be identified with the event that created it. Conceptually, an event provides information about the timing and the reason for which the document created the accounting entries. Every event will result in one, and only one, accounting entry header in each set of books. Also, transaction data is stamped with the event that accounted for it.

    An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines created for a given accounting event and a particular set of books. An accounting entry header can either be transferred over to GL or not at all. That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none at all. The transferred to GL status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAG are Y, N, or E. Y indicates that the accounting entry header has been transferred to GL. N indicates that the accounting entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possible reasons: either the transfer process has not run or it has run but the accounting entry had an accounting error on it. E indicates that an error was encountered during the transfer to GL process.

    An accounting entry line is an entity containing a proper accounting entry with debits or credits both in transaction currency as well as functional currency along with an account and other reference information pointing to the transaction data that originated the accounting entry line. An accounting entry line is grouped with other accounting entry lines for a specific accounting entry header. Any such group of accounting entry lines should result in balanced entries in the functional currency.

    AP_AGING_PERIODS contains aging periods that you define for use in the Invoice Aging Report. You need one row for each period you use in this report. In this table, PERIOD_NAME contains the name you give to the aging period; it is not a reference to AP_OTHER_PERIODS or GL_PERIODS. This table corresponds to the Aging Periods window.

    AP_AGING_PERIOD_LINES contains information on individual aging periods. The Invoice Aging Report returns data for these specific aging period lines defined in this table. Each row in this table corresponds with a date range to which the Invoice Aging Report assigns invoices. This table corresponds to the Aging Periods window.

    AP_AWT_BUCKETS_ALL contains the denormalized amount of tax withheld to date for a particular supplier site and a specific withholding tax code within each period. The periods are determined by the period type assigned to the withholding tax code. There will not be a row in this table if there is no withholding tax for this supplier site.

    AP_AWT_GROUPS contains withholding tax groups. Each withholding tax group contains one or more withholding tax codes. This table corresponds to the Withholding Tax Groups window.

    AP_AWT_GROUP_TAXES_ALL is the intersection table that belongs to a specific withholding tax group and refers to a specific withholding tax code. Its primary key is GROUP_ID and TAX_NAME. The same withholding tax code cannot belong to the same withholding tax group more than once.

    AP_AWT_TAX_RATES_ALL contains tax rates for Withholding tax type tax codes. Oracle Payables predefines the Standard and Penalty tax rate types for withholding taxes. In addition, Certificate rate types are assigned to a specific supplier site and Exception rate types are assigned to a specific invoice. START_AMOUNT and END_AMOUNT columns are only used if the parent withholding tax uses amount ranges.

    AP_AWT_TEMP_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL contains temporary withholding tax type invoice distributions for projected withholding tax or unconfirmed payment batches.

    AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL contains information about your bank accounts. You need one row for each bank account you define. Each bank account must be affiliated with one bank branch. When you initiate an automatic payment batch, enter a manual check, or create a Quick payment, you can select a bank account that you define in this table. This table corresponds to the Bank Accounts window.

    AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES_ALL stores information for the internal and external bank accounts you define in Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables applications.

    AP_BANK_BRANCHES contains information about the bank branches you define when you set up your banks. You need one row for each bank branch you use. One bank branch may have multiple bank accounts. This table corresponds to the Bank Branch region of the Banks window.

    AP_BANK_CHARGES stores header information you enter in the Bank Charges window in Oracle Payables or Oracle Receivables. You need one row for each bank combination you define in the Bank Charges window. TRANSFER_PRIORITY is NULL for a record entered in Oracle Receivables, and NOT NULL for a record entered in Oracle Payables.

    AP_BANK_CHARGE_LINES stores ranges for bank charges and tolerance limits. The range consists of   TRANS_AMOUNT_FROM and TRANS_AMOUNT_TO. The record will be uniquely identified by BANK_CHARGE_ID, TRANS_AMOUNT_FROM, and START_DATE.

    AP_BATCHES_ALL contains summary information about invoices you enter in batches if you enable the Batch Control Payables option. There is one row for each batch of invoices you enter. If you enable Batch Control, each invoice must correspond to a record in this table. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to group together invoices that one person entered in a batch. This table corresponds to the Invoice Batches window.

    AP_CARDS_ALL stores information about the corporate credit cards issued to your employees by your corporate credit card providers. The table stores information about both procurement cards and the credit cards your employees use for travel and entertainment. Each record in this table corresponds to one card issued to an employee. One card can be used by more than one employee, but only one employee is recorded per card. Use of each employee–issued card is restricted based on its
    assigned profile stored in AP_CARD_PROFILES_ALL. This table corresponds to the Credit Cards window.

    AP_CARD_CODES_ALL stores account information you associate with credit card codes. Credit card codes are the codes your credit card provider uses to identify merchants or merchant types, for example, Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes, or Merchant Category Codes (MCC). Oracle Payables overlays the account information you associate with card codes on the default account information you define in the Profiles window. This table corresponds to the Card Codes region of the Code Sets

    AP_CARD_CODE_SETS_ALL stores the names and descriptions of the code sets you define. This table corresponds to the header region of the Code Sets window.

    Users with the Procurement Cards responsibility of Oracle Self–Service Applications can use the Verify Open Transactions function to change the GL account to which their procurement card transactions are charged. The AP_CARD_GL_ACCTS_ALL table stores the GL accounts your Self–Service users can use when processing their procurement card transactions.
    This table corresponds to the GL Accounts region of the GL Account Sets window.

    AP_CARD_GL_SETS_ALL stores the names and descriptions of the GL account sets you define. This table corresponds to the header region of the GL Account Sets window.

    AP_CARD_PROFILES_ALL stores information about the profiles you assign to the procurement cards issued to your employees by your corporate procurement card provider. You define procurement card profiles to specify the level of employee and manager involvement required to have procurement card transactions processed. This table corresponds to the Profiles window.

    AP_CARD_PROGRAMS_ALL stores information about credit card programs you define. Information stored in this table determines the records selected for the consolidated credit card issuer invoice and the supplier for whom the invoice is created.
    This table corresponds to the Card Programs window.

    AP_CHECKRUN_CONC_PROCESSES_ALL is a temporary table that contains records for payment batches with concurrent requests in process. Your Oracle Payables application creates a row in the table for a payment batch when it submits the concurrent request for the batch. When you select a payment batch to modify, format, confirm, cancel, or restart, the system checks if there is a record in the table for the batch. If a record exists, the system checks the status of the concurrent request. If
    the status of the request is Pending, Running, or Inactive (indicating that the request may start running at some later time), the system does not allow you to perform any action on the payment batch. If the concurrent request is completed, the system allows you to proceed and deletes the existing record for the payment batch.

    AP_CHECKRUN_CONFIRMATIONS_ALL is a temporary table that a payment batch uses during the confirmation stage of a payment batch. There is one row for each payment status (e.g. PRINTED, SET UP, SPOILED) you use in a payment batch. Your Oracle Payables application deletes the information from this table when you complete a payment batch. This table corresponds to the Confirm Payment Batch window of the Payment workbench.

    AP_CHECKS_ALL stores information about payments issued to suppliers or refunds received from suppliers. You need one row for each payment you issue to a supplier or refund received from a supplier. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to record payments you make to suppliers or refunds you receive from suppliers. Your Oracle Payables application stores the supplier name and bank account name for auditing purposes, in case either one is changed after you create the payment. Your Oracle Payables application stores address information for all payments. If you allow changes to the supplier payment address on manual payments or Quick payments, your Oracle Payables application maintains the new address information in this table. Your Oracle Payables application uses BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM, BANK_NUM, and BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE for the supplier’s bank information when you use the Electronic payment method. Your Oracle Payables application stores a dummy value for CHECK_STOCK_ID for refunds, thus, CHECK_STOCK_ID should not be treated as a foreign key to AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL in the case of refunds.

    AP_CHECK_FORMATS contains records for payment formats you can use to create payment documents. You need one row for each format you use to create payments (for example, checks) to suppliers. The table AP_PAYMENT_PROGRAMS stores payment program names that you can use to define payment formats. Each row in this table references AP_PAYMENT_PROGRAMS either two or three times, once in CREATE_PAYMENTS_PROGRAM_ID, once in
    CONFIRM_PAYMENTS_PROGRAM_ID, and once in REMITTANCE_ADVICE_PROGRAM_ID for formats with a separate
    remittance advice program. This table corresponds to the Payment Formats window.

    AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL stores information about payment documents you defined for bank accounts. You need one row for each payment document you use to create payments for a supplier. Each record in this table must be associated with a bank account. Each bank account corresponds with zero or more rows in this table. When you initiate a payment batch, record a manual payment, or create a Quick payment, you can select a payment document that you defined in this table. For a payment document you use to create automatic payments, DISBURSEMENT_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE must be ’COMPUTER GENERATED’ or ’COMBINED.’ For manual payments, it must be ’RECORDED’ or ’COMBINED.’ Your Oracle Payables application updates the
    LAST_DOCUMENT_NUM when you create payments in an automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, or create a Quick payment. This table corresponds to the Payment Documents window.

    AP_CHRG_ALLOCATIONS_ALL is used by Oracle Payables to link charges (Miscellaneous, Freight, or Tax) with the appropriate invoice distributions they apply to. Every charge can be allocated to multiple invoice distributions. The allocated amount dictates the amount of the charge applicable to each of those distributions. A tax distribution can be allocated across FREIGHT, ITEM or MISCELLANEOUS type distributions. A freight or miscellaneous distributions can be allocated across ITEM type distributions.

    AP_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS_ALL stores detailed information about the credit card transactions of your employees. The information in this table includes transactional data captured by merchants at the point–of–sale, and data recorded by your credit card provider. The credit card transactions this table stores represent corporate (travel) credit card transactions, not procurement card transactions. This table corresponds to the Credit Card Transaction window of Self–Service Expenses.

    AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL contains information about Distribution Sets you define to distribute invoices automatically. You need one row for each Distribution Set you use in your Oracle Payables application. When you enter an invoice, you can select a Distribution Set that you define in this table. When you select a Distribution Set for an invoice, your Oracle Payables application automatically creates invoice distribution lines according to the lines you define for the Distribution Set you select. A Distribution Set must have one or more Distribution Set lines. This table corresponds to the Distribution Sets window.

    AP_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL contains detailed information about individual distribution lines you define for a Distribution Set. You need one row for each distribution line for a Distribution Set. When you select a Distribution Set for an invoice, your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice distribution lines. A Distribution Set line must be affiliated with a single Distribution Set. This table corresponds to the Distribution Sets window. This table has no primary key, since your Oracle Payables application accesses its records exclusively in sets according to DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID.

    AP_DOC_SEQUENCES_AUDIT contains audit information for document sequence numbers assigned to invoices and payments.
    Document sequence numbers are used to create unique, sequentiall voucher numbers for referencing invoices and payments.
    Each document sequence is defined with a range of numbers. A document sequence is assigned to a document category which, in turn, is assigned to a document (invoice or payment) during creation. When a number for a document sequence is assigned to an invoice or  payment, your Oracle Payables application creates a row in this table for the number. Your Oracle Payables application uses the records in this table to verify the availability of a number for a particular document sequence before allowing the number to be assigned to a document.

    AP_DUPLICATE_VENDORS_ALL stores information about suppliers that Supplier Merge updates. The Supplier Merge window inserts  information into this table and then the Supplier Merge concurrent process uses this information to merge suppliers.

    AP_ENCUMBRANCE_LINES_ALLstores all encumbrance entries created by Oracle Payables. It contains one line per encumbrance entry. An encumbrance line could be created to encumber a charge, QV, IPV, or ERV, to unencumber an entry created by PO or to reverse an encumbrance entry once the charge, QV, IPV, or ERV becomes an actual. This table is used to transfer encumbrance over to GL, to view encumbrance entries or to report on them. It is not updatable through the application.

    AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS_ALL stores information about credit card transaction distributions. Create distributions for card transactions after importing transaction files from your card issuer or card processor. This table corresponds to the Procurement Card Transactions window and the Transactions Distributions window.

    AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES_ALL stores detailed information about the procurement card transactions incurred by your employees. This information includes data captured by suppliers at the point of sale, and data captured by the issuer of the procurement card. You populate this table by importing the data files your procurement card issuer sends you.
    This table corresponds to the Procurement Card Transactions window.

    AP_EXPENSE_REPORTS contains information about expense report templates you define for entering expense reports. When you enter an expense report, you can use a list of values to select the expense report template that you defined in this table.
    This table corresponds to the header region of the Expense Report Templates window.

    AP_EXPENSE_REPORTS_HEADERS_ALL stores header information about the expense reports entered in Oracle Payables and Oracle Self–Service Expenses. There is one row for each expense report you enter. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice header information when you transfer expense reports to invoice tables. Transfer expense reports to invoice tables using the Payables Invoice Import Program. Your Oracle Payables application places the invoice ID in the
    VOUCHNO column when you transfer an expense report.  To import invoices from an external source, Oracle recommends that you use the new Payables Open Interface tables. This table corresponds to the header region of the Expense Reports window.

    AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES_ALL stores detailed information about expense items for individual expense reports you enter. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice distributions when you import expense reports using the Payables Invoice Import program. This table corresponds to the Accounting, Merchant Information, Receipt Information, Expense Audit, and Adjustments tabbed regions of the Expense Reports window. This table has no primary key.

    AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_PARAMS_ALL stores accounting distribution information about expense report types you define. You need one row for each line you want in the template for an expense report template that you use to enter employee expense reports. This table corresponds to the lines region of the Expense Report Templates window.

    AP_HISTORY_CHECKS_ALL contains summary information on invoice payments your Oracle Payables application purges based on purge criteria you enter when you submit a purge. Your Oracle Payables application inserts summary payment information when you confirm a purge process. Your Oracle Payables application stores the invoice information in AP_HISTORY_INVOICES_ALL and stores the relationships in AP_HISTORY_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL.

    AP_HISTORY_INVOICES_ALL stores summary information of the invoices your Oracle Payables application purges based on purge criteria you enter when you submit a purge. Your Oracle Payables application inserts summary invoice information in this table when you confirm a purge process. Your Oracle Payables application stores related payment information in  AP_HISTORY_CHECKS and stores the relationships in AP_HISTORY_INV_PAYMENTS.

    AP_HISTORY_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL stores the relationship between invoices and payments that your Oracle Payables application purges based on purge criteria you enter when you submit a purge. Your Oracle Payables application inserts summary payment and invoice information in this table when you confirm a purge process. There is one row for each payment you make for an invoice. Summary information for each payment and each invoice is stored in AP_HISTORY_CHECKS and AP_HISTORY_INVOICES. There is no primary key for this table.

    AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non–matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice–shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table. This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Approval), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID, and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.

    AP_HOLD_CODES contains information about hold codes and release codes that you or your Oracle Payables application can place on an invoice. There is one row for each hold or release code. When you enter or approve an invoice, you can select a hold code that you defined in this table. Your Oracle Payables application also uses these hold codes when it places matching and tax variance holds during Approval. Your Oracle Payables application stores translations of HOLD_LOOKUP_CODES in the AP_LOOKUP_CODES table. This table corresponds to the Invoice Approvals window.

    AP_INCOME_TAX_REGIONS contains information about the tax regions you use to record payment information for 1099 suppliers when your organization participates in the Combined Filing Program. Each tax region participating in the Combined Filing Program is assigned a region code, reporting limit, and a reporting limit method which is used to determine if the payments to a 1099 supplier exceed the region’s reporting limit. When you enter a site for a 1099 supplier, you enter a tax region from
    this table in the site address. Your Oracle Payables application assigns either this tax region or a default tax region you define at the system level to each invoice distribution line for the supplier site. Your Oracle Payables application predefines the tax regions for all U.S. States, the District of Columbia, and some U.S. Territories. Payables has also predefined the region codes for those tax regions that are participating in the Internal Revenue Service’s Combined Filing Program. You can define additional tax regions or you can enter region codes for existing regions. This table corresponds to the Income Tax Regions window.

    AP_INCOME_TAX_TYPES stores the 1099–MISC types that you can assign to a supplier for 1099 reporting. There is one row for each type you use to identify a supplier as a 1099 supplier. When you enter a supplier, you can select a 1099–MISC type if you define the supplier as Federal Reportable.

    AP_INTEREST_PERIODS contains information about interest rates and periods that Payables uses to create invoices to pay interest owed on overdue invoices. This interest is calculated in accordance with the U.S. Prompt Payment Act.
    There is one row for each period for which interest accrues on an invoice. This table has no foreign keys.

    AP_INTERFACE_CONTROLS is a temporary table that holds control information about segregated data in the  AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table during the Payables Open Interface Import. The table ensures that each import must be unique with respect to the combination of SOURCE and GROUP_ID. This allows the submission of multiple imports at the
    same time. Your Oracle Payables application deletes the information from this table when you complete an import.

    AP_INTERFACE_REJECTIONS stores information about invoice data from the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE and
    AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE tables which could not be processed by Payables Open Interface Import.
    If you use Oracle e–Commerce Gateway, you can pass information from this table to your suppliers by submitting the Payables Open Interface Outbound Advice for rejected data. You can purge data in this table by using the Payables Open Interface

    AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it calculates on invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table. This table corresponds to the Invoices window.

    AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE stores header information about invoices that you create or load for import. The invoice data can come from the following sources: EDI invoices from your suppliers that you load through Oracle e–Commerce Gateway, invoices that you load using Oracle SQL*Loader, lease invoices from Property Manager, credit card transaction data that you load using the Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary, and invoices that you enter through the Invoice Gateway. There is one row for each invoice you import. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to create invoice header information when you submit the Payables Open Interface program. AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE contains a unique invoice ID which is used to interface with AP_INVOICES_ALL.

    AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution line information that you enter for invoices. There is a row for each invoice distribution. A distribution line must be associated with an invoice. An invoice can have multiple distribution lines.
    Your Oracle Payables application automatically creates rows in this table when: 1) you choose a distribution set at the invoice level 2) you import expense reports 3) you match an invoice to a purchase order or receipt; it uses information from the matched purchase order or receipt 4) you import invoices via the Open Interface Import process 5) you select to automatically calculate tax 6) you select to automatically do withholding.

    AP_INVOICE_KEY_IND stores compiled invoice information for the Key Indicators Report. There is one row for each period for which you report on invoice key indicators. The information in this table is denormalized for reporting purposes.
    This table has no foreign keys.

    AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row in this table may create, during the import process, more than one invoice distribution. For example, if you enter a Tax line in this table and prorate it across multiple Item lines, during Open Interface Import the system may create multiple Tax invoice distributions based on the single Tax line in this table.

    AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL contains records of invoice payments that you made to suppliers. There is one row for each payment you make for each invoice. There is one payment and one invoice for each payment in this table. Your Oracle Payables application updates this table when you confirm an automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, or process a Quick payment. When you void a payment, your Oracle Payables application inserts an additional payment line that is the negative of the original payment line. Values for POSTED_FLAG may be ’Y’ for accounted payments or ’N’ for unaccounted payments. Values for ACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG may be ’Y’ for accounted payments or ’N’ for unaccounted payments under accrual basis accounting; values for CASH_POSTED_FLAG may be ’Y’ for accounted payments or ’N’ for unaccounted payments under cash basis accounting. For manual payments and Quick payments, this table corresponds to the Select Invoices window in the Payment workbench

    AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS relates records in AP_INVOICES_ALL with one another to match Interest invoices with corresponding overdue invoices. If you use automatic interest calculation, Payables creates Interest invoices to pay interest on overdue invoices. This interest is calculated in accordance with the U.S. Prompt Payment Act.

    AP_INVOICE_SELECTION_CRITERIA_ALL stores the criteria that a payment batch uses to select invoices for payment. Your Oracle Payables application creates one row each time you initiate a payment batch. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to guide AutoSelect in selecting invoices for payment. This table corresponds to the Payment Batches window.

    A new record is added to this table each time a receipt that has been matched to by Payables is adjusted. Each record contains the original receipt transaction identifier and the adjusted receipt transaction identifier along with the date it was adjusted. The data in this table will be used for the Matched and Modified Receipts Report. This table records only ’RETURN’ and ’ADJUST’ type transactions in Purchasing.

    AP_MC_CHECKS is a Multiple Reporting Currencies table that stores reporting currency information for each payment in Oracle Payables. There is an optional one to many relationship between AP_CHECKS_ALL and this table. For each payment in the AP_CHECKS_ALL table, there can be several invoices in the AP_MC_CHECKS table with the same CHECK_ID value, but different values for SET_OF_BOOKS_ID. The number of invoices stored in the AP_MC_CHECKS table having the same CHECK_ID will correspond with the number of Reporting Sets of Books that have been defined.

    AP_MC_INVOICES is a Multiple Reporting Currencies table that stores reporting currency information for each invoice in Oracle Payables. There is an optional one to many relationship between AP_INVOICES_ALL and this table. For each invoice in the AP_INVOICES_ALL table, there can be several invoices in the AP_MC_INVOICES table with the same INVOICE_ID value, but different values for SET_OF_BOOKS_ID. The number of invoices stored in the AP_MC_INVOICES table having the same INVOICE_ID will correspond with the number of Reporting Sets of Books that have been defined.

    AP_MC_INVOICE_DISTS is a Multiple Reporting Currencies table that stores reporting currency information for each invoice distribution in Oracle Payables. There is an optional one to many relationship between AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and this table. For each invoice distribution in AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL, there can be several invoice distributions in the AP_MC_INVOICE_DISTS table with the same value for INVOICE_ID and DISTRIBUTION_LINE_NUMBER, but different values for SET_OF_BOOKS_ID. The number of invoice distributions stored in the AP_MC_INVOICE_DISTS table having the same INVOICE_ID and DISTRIBUTION_LINE_NUMBER will correspond with the number of Reporting Sets of Books that have been defined. There is a mandatory one to many relationship between the AP_MC_INVOICES table and the AP_MC_INVOICE_DISTS table.

    AP_MC_INVOICE_PAYMENTS is a Multiple Reporting Currencies table that stores reporting currency information for each payment in Oracle Payables. There is an optional one to many relationship between AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL and this table. For each invoice in the AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL table, there can be several payments in the AP_MC_INVOICE_PAYMENTS table with the same INVOICE_PAYMENT_ID value, but different values for SET_OF_BOOKS_ID. The number of payments stored in the AP_MC_INVOICE_PAYMENTS table having the same
    INVOICE_PAYMENT_ID will correspond with the number of Reporting Sets of Books that have been defined.

    AP_OTHER_PERIODS contains information about the time periods you define for use in recurring invoices, withholding taxes, key indicators and payment terms. Each row includes a start date and an end date to define the length of the period. There is one row for each period you use to create key indicators, withholding tax payments, recurring invoices or payment schedules. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to determine if periods are available when you define and create recurring invoices or submit a Key Indicators report.

    AP_OTHER_PERIOD_TYPES stores the period type you define and use to create recurring invoice, automatic withholding tax, key indicators and payment terms periods. You need one row for each type of period you use to create recurring invoice, automatic withholding tax, key indicators or payment terms periods. You must enter a row in this table before you can create rows in AP_OTHER_PERIODS. Examples of period types are Monthly, Semi–Annual, and Quarterly. Values for MODULE may be ’KEY INDICATORS’, ’RECURRING PAYMENTS’, ’AWT’ or ’PAYMENT TERMS’.

    AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL stores the clearing/unclearing history for payments. It also stores the maturity history for future dated payments. The table contains a row for each future dated payment, once the future dated payment matures, i.e. becomes negotiable. Any time a payment is cleared or uncleared, a row is inserted into this table for the payment. The values for TRANSACTION_TYPE can be PAYMENT MATURITY, PAYMENT CLEARING, or PAYMENT UNCLEARING. Each row in this table also has the accounting status for the maturity, clearing or unclearing event.

    AP_PAYMENT_KEY_IND stores compiled payment information for the Key Indicators Report. There is one row for each period for which you report on payment key indicators. The information in this table is denormalized for reporting purposes.

    AP_PAYMENT_PROGRAMS stores information about payment programs that you use to define payment formats. You need one row for each payment program you use. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to use the proper payment programs when you use a payment format to create payments. Values in PROGRAM_NAME correspond to names of Pro*C, SQL*Plus, or Oracle Reports programs. Rows in AP_CHECK_FORMATS reference rows in  this table. This table corresponds to the Automatic Payment Programs window. This table has no foreign keys.

    AP_PAYMENT_REP_ITF stores information for the Report eXchange  Payables Payment Reports. This report lets you sort and display your  payments in a custom format.

    AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about scheduled payments for an invoice. You need one row for each time you intend to make a payment on an invoice. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to determine when to make payments on an invoice and how much to pay in an automatic payment batch. Values for HOLD_FLAG may be ’Y’ to place a hold on the scheduled payment, or ’N’ not to do so. Values for PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG may be ’Y’ for fully paid payment schedules, ’N’ for unpaid scheduled payments, or ’P’ for partially paid scheduled payments. For converted records, enter a value for AMOUNT_REMAINING. This table corresponds to the Scheduled Payments window.

    AP_PBATCH_SETS_ALL stores the payment batch set definitions. You need one row for each payment batch set that you want to define. You must enter a row in this table before you can enter rows in AP_PBATCH_SET_LINES_ALL. This table corresponds to the single–row region in Payment Batch Sets window.

    AP_PBATCH_SET_LINES_ALL stores the payment batch set lines that make up a payment batch set. You need one row for each payment batch that you would like to be created when you submit the payment batch set to which the payment batch set lines belong. Payment batch set lines belonging to a payment batch set may use the same or different bank accounts. However, they must use different payment documents. The values from each row in this table are used to insert a row in  P_INV_SELECTION_CRITERIA_ALL when the payment batch set is submitted. This table corresponds to the multi–row region in Payment Batch Sets window.

    AP_PURGE_INVOICE_LIST is a temporary table used to store the INVOICE_IDs during the invoice purge process. There is one row for each invoice your Oracle Payables application selects to purge based on invoice purge criteria you enter. Your Oracle Payables application clears the records in this table when you confirm or abort a purge process. Your Oracle Payables application stores summary information on purged invoices and payments in AP_HISTORY_INVOICES_ALL and  AP_HISTORY_CHECKS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables application stores  the status of the purge process and statistical information on records it purges in the FINANCIALS_PURGES table.

    AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_ALL contains information about recurring invoices you define. You need one row for each set of recurring invoices you arrange with a supplier. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to help you create recurring invoices without duplicating data entry. Values for PAID_FLAG1 and PAID_FLAG2 may be ’Y’ for Yes or ’N’ for No. This table corresponds to the Recurring Invoices window.

    AP_REPORTING_ENTITIES_ALL contains information about the reporting entities you define for 1099 reporting. You must define at least  one reporting entity for your company or agency; however, you can define as many reporting entities as you require to satisfy your multi–organization reporting needs. Each tax reporting entity you define must have a unique Tax Identification Number. When you submit your 1099 reports, you submit the reports once for each tax reporting entity you define. This table corresponds to the Reporting Entity window.

    AP_REPORTING_ENTITIES_ALL contains information about the reporting entities you define for 1099 reporting. You must define at least one reporting entity for your company or agency; however, you can define as many reporting entities as you require to satisfy your multi–organization reporting needs. Each tax reporting entity you define must have a unique Tax Identification Number. When you submit your 1099 reports, you submit the reports once for each tax reporting entity you define. This table corresponds to the Reporting Entity window.

    AP_SELECTED_INVOICES_ALL is a temporary table that stores information about invoices selected for payment in a payment batch. Your Oracle Payables application inserts into this table after you initiate a payment batch. There will be one row for each invoice that Payables selects for payment in the current payment batch. When you build payments in a payment batch, your Oracle Payables application uses information in this table to create rows in AP_SELECTED_INVOICE_CHECKS. Information from this table appears in the Modify Payment Batch window.

    AP_SELECTED_INVOICE_CHECKS_ALL is a temporary table that stores payment information during a payment batch. Your Oracle Payables application inserts into this table when you build payments in a payment batch. There will be one row for each payment issued during  the current payment batch. When you confirm a payment batch, your  Oracle Payables application inserts these payments into AP_CHECKS_ALL and creates a payment file. Within a payment batch, SELECTED_CHECK_ID in this table joins with PRINT_SELECTED_CHECK_ID and PAY_SELECTED_CHECK_ID in AP_SELECTED_INVOICES to associate a selected invoice with its payment.

    This is an interface table that stores all the records for the submission of the AP Supplier Open Balance Letter report, as per the parameters specified by the user during the report submission. AP_SUPPLIER_BALANCE_ITF is a denormalized table used for storing the Organization Name, Address, Supplier and Supplier Site level information. Each row in this table stores invoice amount, payment amount, discount taken, discount available, original prepayment amount, prepayment amount applied to an invoice, prepayment amount remaining and the prepayment amount appl ied. Using this information, the supplier open balance letter calculates the supplier open balance and publishes it in the form of a letter.

    AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL contains the parameters and defaults you define for operating your Oracle Payables application system. This table contains information such as your set of books, your functional currency and your default bank account and payment terms. Your Oracle Payables application also uses this information to determine default values that cascade down to supplier and invoice entry. This table corresponds to the Payables Options window. There is only one row in this table. There is no primary key for this table.

    AP_TAX_CODES_ALL contains information about the tax codes you define. You need one row for each tax code you want to use when entering invoices. When you enter invoices, you can use a list of values to select a tax code defined in this table. Your Oracle Payables application also uses TAX_RATE to calculate use tax when you enter a taxable amount for an invoice.
    This table corresponds to the Tax Names window.

    AP_TAX_RECVRY_RATES_ALL is used to define tax recovery rates for each recovery rule based on the accounting flexfield, effective date range and/or supplier classification. A tax recovery rule may have one or more tax recovery rates. A rate is defined for an accounting flexfield and an effective date range. Using the tax code, the recovery rule, and the accounting flexfield range information on the distributions of purchasing documents and supplier invoices, the appropriate tax recovery rate is automatically defaulted.

    AP_TAX_RECVRY_RULES_ALL is used to define tax recovery rules. A user can set up tax recovery rules to determine the recoverable percentage of tax. A tax rule can be assigned to a tax code and is used as the criteria to default a tax recovery rate on Requisitions, Purchase Orders and Releases, and Supplier Invoices.

    AP_TEMP_APPROVAL_ALL is a temporary table used by your Oracle Payables application to store hold information about invoices processed during Approval. When you submit Payables Approval, any holds placed or released are inserted into this table. Your Oracle Payables application then selects from these records to produce the Payables Approval Report.

    AP_TERMS_LINES stores detail information about payment terms you define. You need one row for each scheduled payment that you want your Oracle Payables application to create for an invoice. Split terms have more than one row in this table. DAY_OF_MONTH columns pertain to proxima terms.

    AP_TERMS stores header information about payment terms you define.  You need one row for each type of terms you use to create scheduled payments for invoices. When you enter suppliers or invoices, you can select payment terms you have defined in this table. Each terms must have one or more terms lines. This table corresponds to the Payment Terms window.

    AP_TOLERANCES_ALL contains the tolerance levels you set for matching and invoice variance testing. Your Oracle Payables
    application uses this information to determine during Payables Approval whether to hold an invoice for exceeding amounts and
    quantities that you actually ordered or received, or for being taxed at significantly more or less than the proper tax rate. This table
    corresponds to the Invoice Tolerances window. There is only one row in this table.

    AP_TRIAL_BAL is a temporary table that Payables uses to process the AP Trial Balance report more quickly. When you submit the AP Trial Balance Report, Payables selects from the accounting tables all the invoices that have outstanding liability balances on or before the report date parameter, and then populates this table with that data. The data in this table is then used for the report. Payables deletes the information in this table each time you submit a new TrialBalance Report.

    AP_TRIAL_BALANCE contains denormalized information about invoices and payments posted to the accrual set of books. The Accounts Payable Trial Balance report uses this information to report on  outstanding invoice liability. There is one row for each set of invoice distributions or payments with a single accounting date that you post to the general ledger in a single run of the posting program.

    AP_VENDOR_AUDIT_TMP is a temporary table used by your Oracle   Payables application to store potential duplicate suppliers for the Supplier Audit Report. When you submit the Supplier Audit Report, your Oracle Payables application clears the table and inserts a record for each active supplier whose name matches within the number of characters you specify when you submit the report. Your Oracle  Payables application then selects from these records to produce the Supplier Audit Report.

    AP_VENDOR_KEY_IND is a table that stores compiled invoice information for the Key Indicators Report. The data in this table is denormalized for reporting purposes. There is one row for each period you report on. This table has no foreign keys.

    This table stores information about the signing limits you assign to employees who are responsible for approving expense reports entered in Oracle Self–Service Expenses. This table corresponds to the Signing Limits window.

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